Billing and Pricing
- ◉ Where can I go in a Gig?
- ◉ Payment Arrangement Options
- ◉ How much does Gig cost?
- ◉ What fees do I pay?
- ◉ What if I incur a fine, violation, or other administrative charge during my trip?
- ◉ Do I have to pay tolls?
- ◉ What other fees and charges should I be aware of?
- ◉ How do I pay?
- ◉ How do I know if I am being charged by the mile, or the hour?
- ◉ What if I get a ticket or get towed?
- ◉ What if my payment card is declined?
- ◉ I have a question about my bill or I'd like to contest a charge.
- ◉ What is this $15/$50 charge from Gig on my bank/credit card account?
- ◉ What fees am I responsible for when using Gig?
- ◉ Are there surcharges on trips and how long can I keep the Gig?